
Bank account and donation details of the association

The activities of Fatherheart Finland are financed by voluntary donations. The association may receive immovable and movable property and other donations in accordance with section 3 of the association’s rules. The donations are spent on the association’s activities and for organizing Fatherheart events, conferences and schools. According to its funds, the association assists pastors and other church workers in participating in Fatherheart events and gives donations for organizing Fatherheart schools and events in Europe and other countries.

Salaries and other expenses of the association are based on free donations. The association is non-profit making, so the fees from schools and conferences do not cover the monthly expenses. We are grateful that you find the work of Fatherheart Finland valuable and want to support us financially. Thank you for your gift!

Beneficiary: Fatherheart Finland ry
IBAN number: FI67 1519 3000 1783 15

The reference numbers

Reference for the association’s activities: 1012
Reference for salaries: 9001
Reference for supporting conferences: 6004
Reference for supporting translation of books: 6444